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Women’s Healthcare

Where I Stand

With the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Congress needs to solidify a women’s right to make her own healthcare decisions. Women also deserve unobstructed access to all treatment and medication options that medical professionals deem necessary in treating their patients.

This Dobbs decision was a setback to women’s right to make their own medical decisions, but it was unfortunately not a surprise. A clear hostility towards a woman’s right to choose was among the main reasons that I voted against Justices GorsuchKavanaugh, and Barrett

Maine is one of the few states that has taken steps to expand abortion access in the wake of the Dobbs decision — guaranteeing that Maine women can continue to make decisions about their own bodies.

While there is no clear or easy path forward, we must continue doing everything to protect this fundamental right. There is no room in the doctor’s office for the government.

What I've Done

  • Support and voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act. This bill would codify access guaranteed by Roe v. Wade and maintain the status quo of the last 49 years.
  • Cosponsored the Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act. This bill would permanently remove the in-person dispensing requirement for the abortion drug Mifepristone and allow them to be send by mail delivery.
  • Cosponsored the Protecting Service Member and Military Families’ Access to Reproductive Care Act. This bill would codify the current Department of Defense policy that ensures servicemember and their families can access non-covered reproductive care — including abortion services — regardless of the state they are stationed in.
  • Cosponsored the Global Health, Empowerment, and Rights (HER) Act. This bill would repeal and prohibit the so-called Global Gag Rule, which prevents U.S. global health assistance from going to foreign entities that engage in abortion-related services or advocacy.