Helping ensure that federal government agencies are responsive to Mainers' needs is one of my most important jobs as your United States Senator. I am proud to work on your behalf.
Acting as a liaison between you and the federal government, my staff and I can often help you answer questions, find resources, or resolve problems. While we cannot ask an agency to circumvent its rules, force it to decide a question in your favor, or change a decision that is already final, we can make inquiries about the status of your situation and review the steps taken thus far to ensure your case is being handled properly.
If you have a question or a problem regarding a federal agency with which we can assist you, please reach out to one of my state offices listed below:
227 Main Street
Biddeford, ME 04005
Phone: (207) 352-5216
1 Pleasant Street Suite 4W
Portland, ME 04101
Phone: (207) 245-1565
E.S. Muskie Federal Building, Room 412
Augusta, Maine 04330
Phone: (207) 622-8292
202 Harlow St., Suite 20350
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 945-8000
167 Academy St., Suite A
Presque Isle, Maine 04769
Phone: (207) 764-5124
If you are not a resident of Maine, I encourage you to contact your United States Senators. It is a longstanding congressional courtesy that each elected official be allowed to assist his or her own constituents. Your Senators will also know the additional resources that may be available to you in your home state.
If your problem involves the state of Maine or one of its agencies, you may want to contact the Governor's office or your representatives to the Maine State Legislature.