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Political Advocacy Groups

Political Advocacy Groups

Important information on aligning with (parsing) Senator King’s web forms

Senator King places a high value on his correspondence with constituents, and he appreciates  the significant role various organizations play informing people in Maine on both the issues that are currently before Congress as well as those that should be. Similarly, he is aware of the important function that digital advocacy platforms play in enabling all of these organizations’ members to contact him electronically. However, when advocacy campaigns are not well coded, it quickly brings the authenticity of those messages into question and diverts scarce staff resources from other important efforts.

To ensure message delivery, Senator King encourages delivery agents to take advantage of the CWC API.

If you attempt to manually interface with Senator King’s web form, please note the following:

  • If you have any doubt that your campaign is getting through as intended, please call the Senator’s director of correspondence, Pete Benoit, at 202-224-5344, he’d be happy to verify any tests and offer other insight.
  • When testing, be sure to use a real e-mail address to which you have access.
  • The ‘Thank You’ page does not interface with the database: it just displays automatically when you click submit.
  • Within a few minutes of filling the form and clicking submit, you should receive a confirmation e-mail containing the text of the message you submitted. This, and this alone, indicates successful alignment with the contact form.
  • Due to longstanding congressional courtesy and limited resources, Senator King is only able to respond to his own constituents.