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February 03, 2017

Video: At Irving Sawmill in Dixfield, King Underscores Positive Growth in Maine’s Forest Economy

Irving Screengrab

To watch Senator King’s video, click HERE.

DIXFIELD, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) toured the Irving Forest Products Eastern White Pine Sawmill in Dixfield where he surveyed its operations and expressed his continued support for the forest products industry and its hardworking employees across Maine.

“This is a fabulous mill. It’s the fourth largest sawmill in Maine – a huge contributor to the Maine forest economy, bringing wood in, sawing wood, and selling it all over the country and into Canada,” Senator King said in a video statement. “This is what it’s all about…280 good jobs, they’re growing and expanding, adding shifts both here and at their mill up in Ashland. And yet we’ve still got more to do…We’re looking for new products and new ways to achieve value and jobs from the Maine forest.”

To watch Senator King’s complete video, click HERE.

Senator King visited the sawmill after flying home from Washington, D.C. this morning where the Senate took several votes. Senator King was originally scheduled to visit Region 9, School of Applied Technology in Mexico to discuss his economic vision to grow rural Maine communities in the coming years, but the Senate business forced that event to be postponed to date that is to be determined.


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