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March 06, 2024

Veterans Groups Voice Support for King Legislative Proposals

VFW Commander-in-Chief lauds “common-sense” initiatives to serve former servicemembers

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a joint hearing of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee (SVAC) and the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee (HVAC), U.S. Senator Angus King received confirmation of the value of several of his policy initiatives with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). In an exchange with VFW Commander-in-Chief Duane Sarmiento, King detailed three specific pieces of legislation he’s co-sponsored that would ease the paperwork process for those transitioning to civilian life, in order to make sure such efforts were meeting the needs of the veteran community.

“So, let me talk about transition for a minute. Transition is statistically one of the most dangerous moments for veterans. That's where there's a high level of suicide, a high level of homelessness — it's a real problem. So, a couple of bills, the Welcome Home Veterans Act. One of the problems is when you when you sign all those paperworks at the TAP, there's one little box about opting in to notify the state Veteran Agency. I want to change that to an opt out because, right now, only 13% of veterans are known to their state agency,” began Senator King.

“My vision is, let's get the names to the state agency, they get the names to the VA. I want a couple of you guys or women meeting the veteran at the airport when they arrive home. So, do you do support the Welcome Home Veterans Act,” asked Senator King.

“Yes, we do sir. That's a common-sense approach to a problem that has probably gotten curved by, not oversight, but overlooked. Just overlooked. The opt out, that’s a no-brainer,” responded Sarmiento.

“Then we'll get people’s names so they can be met and get the services they need right away. Second one is the TAP Promotion Act. You've already mentioned that make VA accredited representatives like yourself at the TAP Day before people leave. You’re for that I take it,” King questioned.

“We are all in on the TAP Promotion Act,” replied Sarmiento.

“That’s good. All right. So, the third one is the Combat Veterans Pre-Enrollment Act. So, a combat veteran can enroll in the VA health care before they leave their service so they get the care they need from the VA on day one. Are you in on that one,” Senator King asked.

“Yes, sir. We are in on that one as well,” said Sarmiento.

“Well you got it, man. Let's get this done,” concluded Senator King.

Representing a state with one of the highest rates of veterans per capita, Senator King is a stalwart champion for veterans and servicemembers in Maine and across the country. A member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, he is committed to ensuring veterans and their families receive their earned benefits and support from the VA. He recently spearheaded the passage of legislation to better track and study servicemember suicides by job assignment. Earlier this year, Senator King held an SVAC field hearing at the University of Maine Augusta to discuss the state of veterans’ long-term care in Maine and other critical issues facing veterans. In a September 2023 hearing, he questioned VA officials in an SVAC hearing to shed light on how financial strain can impact veterans’ mental health. Senator King has also worked to properly honor and recognize the sacrifices of Purple Heart medal recipientsprotect veterans from fraud, and expand veteran assisted living services.


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