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July 19, 2013

This Week in Washington: ‘Nuclear Option’ Averted and Student Loan Deal Reached

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-ME), as part of his continuing efforts to keep Mainers apprised of his work in the U.S. Senate, took a moment to recap the events of this past week in Washington. In his remarks, Senator King addressed:

We didn’t change the rules, but I’m hoping what happened is that we changed the attitudes. Because no matter what we do about the rules, if people want to slow the institution down and keep us from getting our work done, they can find a way to do it,” Senator King said. “So in my view what happened Monday and Tuesday morning may turn out in the long run to be more important than an actual change in the rules.”

“I came [here] to try to solve some problems, and it was clear that this problem wasn’t going to be solved without a bipartisan discussion. So several of us got together, started talking to the Republicans and basically built what we believe is a commonsense deal – compromise – that is good for the students and good for the country,” Senator King said.

The full video of Senator King’s weekly recap can be viewed below. A broadcast-quality version of the video can also be downloaded by clicking here.


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