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March 14, 2014

This Week in Washington: Climate Change, Regulatory Reform, Child Care and Flood Insurance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As a part of his ongoing efforts to keep the people of Maine informed of his work in the nation’s capital, U.S. Senator Angus King sat down to share this week’s events in Washington.

In his recap, Senator King discussed:

  • His floor speech Monday night outlining the impacts of climate change on Maine businesses and urging immediate Congressional action to address the issue.
  • His testimony, as a Republican witness, before a subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee about the need to eliminate outdated and ineffective regulations that stifle economic growth and innovation.
  • His intention to introduce legislation that would end the dangerous practice of using the national debt to score political points.
  • The significance behind the re-authorization of the Child Care and Development Block Grant which is designed to help parents cover the cost of child care and after-school programs while working or going to school.
  • A flood insurance relief bill, which passed Congress Thursday evening and contains an amendment he authored to provide municipalities with reimbursements from FEMA for successful map appeals.
  • His concerns about news reports on issues involving the CIA.

You can watch Senator King’s complete recap below. A broadcast quality version is available for download HERE.


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