SAN ANTONIO, TX – As part of his ongoing effort to keep the people of Maine informed of his work in Washington, U.S. Senator Angus King recapped this week’s events in the nation’s capital.
- The two major steps the U.S. Senate took to address the widespread mismanagement at the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Senate unanimously approved Robert McDonald to be the next Secretary of the VA, and passed a bipartisan, bicameral bill to usher in reform at the Department.
- The short-term patch Congress passed to avert a highway funding crisis. The legislation will fund the Highway Trust Fund through next May.
- His bipartisan efforts to support America’s small financial institutions. Senator King and a group of his colleagues introduced the RELIEVE Act this week.
- A pizza party that he and Senator Heidi Heitkamp held for the Senate pages. It was a great chance for the Senators to show their appreciation for the page program.
- The “Hero of Main Street” award he received from the National Retail Federation. Presenting the award was Andy Charles of Haven’s Candies in Westbrook.
- His visit to the Texas border, where he is gathering information about the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Senator Susan Collins organized the trip.
You can watch Senator King’s complete recap below. A broadcast quality version is available for download here.
