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November 11, 2015

On Veterans Day, King Honors American Heroes

PORTLAND, ME – In honor of Veterans Day, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) today released a video message and the following statement:

“On this Veterans Day, it is my privilege to recognize and thank all the men and women who have served in our armed forces for their unwavering commitment to our country. These selfless patriots, and their dedicated families, embody the very best of America, and today we acknowledge not only what they have accomplished, but also what they have inspired.

“It is also fitting that we use this occasion to rededicate ourselves to caring for those who have fought on our behalf. Today, all across America, too many veterans are left struggling with homelessness, unemployment, poverty, and a lack of access to healthcare. Additionally, too many families are left shouldering the burden that comes with the uncertainty of not knowing the fate of their loved ones who remain unaccounted for overseas. President Lincoln's promise, "[t]o care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” are more than just words, they are a call to action that we are still duty-bound to fulfill.

“In Maine, this same sense of duty to our veterans resonates throughout our communities. It might be because we have one of the highest rates of veterans per capita of any state in the nation, and we know first-hand how much these individuals contribute to the fabric of our society – because they are our neighbors, our friends, and our family. We should all be proud that over 127,000 Maine citizens today have served in the military – but pride and gratitude are not enough. We know that we also have a responsibility to act on behalf of the brave men and women who did not hesitate to act in defense of America. So, today – and every day – let us celebrate the accomplishments and sacrifices of our veterans and reaffirm our commitment to supporting them just as they have supported us.”

This morning, Senator King joined the Portland Rotary Club for its Veterans Day Breakfast, participated in the rededication of the Harold Andrews Monument, and marched in the Portland Veterans Day Parade.


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