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August 10, 2021

King, Wicker Introduce Bill to Modernize Sustainable Forestry Rooted in Expert Recommendations

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Angus King (I-Maine) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) are introducing bipartisan legislation to convene a federal advisory panel tasked with making recommendations to support data collection critical to the health of America’s forests. Specifically, this “Blue Ribbon” panel would be made up of forest industry representatives, experts, and climate specialists, who will assess the U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) program’s past progress, current priorities, and future needs in order to effectively address climate change, promote carbon trading, support forest health, and bolster sustainable wood production. Senator King raised the need for this legislation with Victoria Christiansen, then-Chief of the U.S. Forest Service during a June hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“Maine is the most forested state in the nation, which means the health of our forests is central to the health of our environment and communities – and we are at an important crossroads right now, as we confront and adapt to climate change,” said Senator King. “It is critical that the Forest Service has the best possible data to support our forest products industry, identify ways to prevent forest fires, and seek opportunities to mitigate the effects of climate change. That’s why I’m pushing to create a Blue Ribbon panel comprised of industry experts and leaders that can recommend key ways to modernize the FIA program and incorporate cutting-edge technologies and methods. A better understanding our forests, with a wide angle view of the challenges they face, can go a long way to protect our environment, support our economy, and create quality jobs in the most rural areas of our nation.”

“Mississippi is home to millions of acres of forests that contribute significantly to our state’s economy,” said Senator Wicker. “Establishing a new Blue Ribbon Panel would create a strategic plan to address our state’s forestry needs.”

“The FIA program is already the best national forest-data source in the world, but we need to do more,” said Dave Tenny, founding President and CEO of the National Alliance of Forest Owners. “Knowledge is power, and Senators King and Wicker’s blue ribbon panel will help us know more about our forests and forest products to better address climate change and other important needs. Healthy and resilient forests are essential for meeting our climate goals. Sixty percent of our forests are privately owned, but one-hundred percent of forest managers depend on high-quality data to help our forests provide clean air and water, wildlife habitat, and good paying rural jobs. We applaud Senators King and Wicker for introducing bipartisan legislation and look forward to working with them and their colleagues to improve forest data nationwide.”

Established under Senators King and Wicker’s legislation, the FIA Blue Ribbon Panel will include 20 to 30 members made up of experts/representatives from:

·       State Foresters

·       Environmental Protection Agency

·       Department of the Interior

·       Academic experts in forest health, management, and economics

·       Forest industry representatives throughout the supply chain including representatives of large forest owners and small forest owners

·       Environmental groups

·       Representatives from regional greenhouse gas trading organizations

·       Experts in carbon accounting and carbon offset markets

The first FIA Blue Ribbon Panel was formed in 1991 and led to nationally-consistent vision for the program, while the second was organized in 1998 with an update in 2001 to assess progress on items identified by the first panel. Both panels were organized and led by an external organization with national and cross-sector representation of key program stakeholders that led to formal reports with specific action items. Given the nearly two decades since the last Blue Ribbon Panel and extensive shifts in both technology as well as forest conditions, a third Blue Ribbon Panel is timely and needed to ensure overall program success, particularly for addressing current needs and emerging policy.

Senator King is a strong supporter of efforts to revitalize Maine’s forest economy to further economic opportunities for Maine people. He was key in establishing the Forest Opportunity Roadmap Maine (FOR/ME) Initiative, an industry-led initiative that is helping to diversify the state’s wood products businesses, attract investments, support research and development, and develop greater economic prosperity for rural communities impacted by mill closures. Senator King has introduced the Biomass Thermal Utilization (BTU) Act to support renewable energy and Maine’s forest products industry. He is also a cosponsor of several bills focused on climate related initiatives, including the Growing Climate Solutions Act, legislation that would break down barriers to farmers and foresters interested in participating in carbon markets so they can be rewarded for climate-smart practices, and the Trillion Trees Initiative to support U.S. leadership in reducing carbon in the atmosphere by restoring and conserving forests, grasslands, wetlands, and coastal habitats.  

The FOR/ME Initiative was funded as a result of the Economic Development Assessment Team (EDAT) requested by Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and King in 2016, with support from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration in order to create strategies for job growth and economic development in Maine’s rural communities. FOR/ME is implementing a roadmap and action plan for the development of new markets for Maine’s forest resources, including the strengthening of existing forest products manufacturing, the attraction of investment in emerging technology, and the utilization of forest products residuals in CHP biomass plants, microgrids, modern thermal systems, and new forest products development. The FOR/ME Initiative has already resulted in multiple funding opportunities for Maine organizations and new investment in Maine’s forest economy.

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