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January 18, 2017

King Votes to Send Defense Secretary Nomination to Full Senate

Armed Services Committee votes 26-1 in support of the nomination which now must be approved by the full Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the support of U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), the Senate Armed Services Committee today favorably reported the nomination of retired General James Mattis for Secretary of Defense to the full Senate for its consideration.

“General Mattis is an experienced leader who I believe will effectively lead the Department of Defense and serve as a moderating voice within the Administration,” Senator King said. “If confirmed by the full Senate, I look forward to working with him to serve the interests of Maine and the nation.”

General Mattis’ nomination was reported out of the Senate Armed Services Committee by a vote of 26-1. Last week, Senator King supported a carefully crafted provision that would grant a one-time exception to allow General Mattis to serve as Defense Secretary.


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