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February 12, 2014

King Votes to Raise the Debt Ceiling

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement today after voting to suspend the nation’s debt ceiling through March 15, 2015:

“Congress had for far too long gambled with the financial stability of the economy and with markets across the world by threatening to default on debt already incurred by our nation. Almost everyone agrees that we should continue to work to shrink our federal debt and deficit in a responsible way, but using the debt ceiling as leverage to negotiate policy was, and would have been, inappropriate. Both the House and the Senate took the right course of action by voting to raise the debt ceiling without condition and ahead of deadline, which will guarantee that our country can continue to meet its financial obligations. This process has been a demonstration of responsible governing, and I applaud my colleagues for coming together in a sensible way for the country.”


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