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March 10, 2021

King Votes to Confirm “Eminently Qualified” Garland as Attorney General

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) voted to confirm Merrick Garland as Attorney General, whom the Senate approved by a vote of 70 to 30. A longtime advocate for the independence of the Department of Justice (DOJ), in his statement below Senator King highlights Garland’s experience and temperament, in addition to emphasizing the need for apolitical leadership of the DOJ.

“The Attorney General is the country’s lawyer, charged with upholding the time-honored American value that guarantees equal justice under law to all of our people,” said Senator King. “However, in recent years, this sacred responsibility took a backseat to political priorities, and the continued misuse of the Attorney General’s position has undermined the public’s faith in the Department of Justice. The country needs a respected, nonpartisan Attorney General now more than ever – and I can’t imagine a better candidate than Merrick Garland.”

“Merrick Garland is eminently qualified for this position, with an impressive judicial record, a depth of knowledge that rivals any legal mind in the nation, and the independent approach that the country needs right now. At his (long-overdue) confirmation hearing, Garland’s integrity, understanding of the law, and level-headed demeanor shone through – which was a large part of why he received clear and convincing bipartisan support. He is the right leader for the Department of Justice at this critical moment, and I was proud to support his confirmation.”

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