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May 09, 2013

King Video Conferences with Portland High School

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator Angus S. King, Jr. (I-ME), yesterday held a video conference with students from Portland High School as part of his ongoing “Capitol Class with Angus” series. Over the course of his term in the Senate, Senator King hopes to connect with as many Maine high schools as possible in order to answer their questions about issues facing the country and to share his experiences as Maine junior U.S. Senator. Over 100 students participated in the30 minute class, which covered a number of topics, including minimum wage rates, the burden of student loans, and U.S. engagement around the world.

“I was delighted to speak with students and teachers at Portland High School. They asked substantive questions and we had a meaningful dialogue,” Senator King said following the session. “These opportunities to learn and connect with students all across the state demonstrate how digital technology can serve as a vital educational tool in the 21stcentury.”

Debi Migneault, Portland High School Principalsaid, “I am thrilled that Senator King graciously made available this learning opportunity for Portland High students. Throughout their schooling, students are taught to become good, productive citizens within their communities. This event allowed our high school students to become politically active and to demonstrate their political knowledge. Thank you Senator King and your staff for making this happen.”

Sean Foley, who served as a student moderator for the event, stated,“I think that it is a wonderful privilege that Portland High School was able to interact with our Senator, whom I have personally admired for quite a long time. This is our Republic at work, as it was meant to be, and as it has always been in the long and celebrated tradition of the great State of Maine.”

Located in downtown Portland, Portland High School is the nation’s second oldest high school and serves a diverse student body comprised of nearly 1,000 students coming from 45 different countries and speaking 36 different languages.  “Capitol Class with Angus” is part of Senator King’s larger effort to improve constituent outreach through the use of 21st century technologies. He also frequently uses video conferencing to meet with constituents and organizations based in Maine and records weekly videos that highlight various events in Washington.

Watch Senator King’s video conference with Portland High School here.


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