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November 07, 2013

King Video Conferences with Mt. Ararat High School

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King yesterday held a video conference with students and teachers at Mt. Ararat High School in Topsham. The video conference was part of Senator King’s “Capitol Class with Angus” outreach series, a program through which he hopes to connect with as many Maine high schools as possible over the course of his term in Washington. During their 40-minute session, Senator King spoke briefly about issues he is currently working on and answered students’ questions about what it’s like working in the U.S. Senate.

“It was great to connect with students and teachers at Mt. Ararat,” said Senator King. “The quality of questions they asked as well and their level of engagement was very impressive. We discussed a variety of topics including Senate procedures, my committee work, the Affordable Care Act, and what it is like to be an Independent.”

Sewall Janeway, a teacher of Government at Mt. Ararat said, “We were thrilled to have the opportunity to Skype with Senator King.  Our students were extremely interested to learn about his experiences working in Washington.  They listened to him talk about the relationship between the political parties, the bipartisan budget committee, his reflections on the political process,  and what it is like to be an Independent in the Senate. We thank Senator King for taking the time to speak with us today.”

You can watch Senator King’s full video conference below. 

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