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April 18, 2018

King to Use ‘Medium’ Account to Publish Responses to Constituents on Issues Important to Maine

First post shares King’s letter to those concerned regarding Senate banking bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) announced that he will use his Medium account to periodically publish select responses to constituent inquiries on the issues affecting Maine residents.

“In recent years, I have benefited from an amazing amount of personal engagement with Maine people who want to make sure their voices are heard,” said Senator King. “I often receive a total of 5,000 e-mails, phone calls, and letters each week, and this input is incredibly important to my work in Washington. I believe that when someone takes the time to write or call with a question or comment, I should take the time to get back to them with a comprehensive and meaningful answer. That is why I have a group of bright people on my Washington staff who organize all my incoming messages and help me to research and draft responses. While my other responsibilities keep me from drafting all of my response from the start, I scrutinize each one to make sure that it is no different than if I had. As many folks already forward and share my responses on common questions and big issues with their friends and family, I am hopeful that by directly publishing some of the most widely distributed responses on my Medium account, I can keep even more Maine people informed on my positions.”

The responses, which will not be published on any set schedule, will be chosen in large part based on the volume in which they are sent to constituents. Senator King began the series by sharing his response to constituents expressing concern regarding the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, which passed the Senate last month by a vote of 67 to 31. The full text can be found HERE.

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