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January 18, 2019

King to Reappointed to Armed Services Subcommittees Vital to Maine, Nation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) today announced that he has been reappointed to his position as Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Airland Subcommittee, which oversees equipment and related research for the Air Force and Army, as well as the tactical aviation programs of the Navy and Marine Corps. Senator King will also continue to serve as a member of the Subcommittee on Seapower for the 116th Congress, which exercises jurisdiction over Navy programs including shipbuilding. In addition, Senator King will resume his position on the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, which exercises jurisdiction over the budget of a number of important programs related to nuclear forces, strategic forces, missile defense programs, and more. Senator King previously served on this Subcommittee during the 113th and 114th Congresses. Senator King’s appointments further his ability to shape U.S. defense policy and represent Maine’s defense-related interests, particularly at Bath Iron Works (BIW) and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.

            “It is an honor to continue my responsibilities for Maine and the nation on the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittees on Seapower and Strategic Forces, and as Ranking Member on the Airland Subcommittee,” Senator King said. “Our servicemembers lay their lives on the line so we may live free, and I am committed to doing everything in my power to see they have the resources, equipment, and training necessary to protect the American people and our national security.

“In Maine, the hardworking men and women in the military and the defense industry, including those at BIW and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, make our state well positioned to support the national defense while strengthening the local economy, and I look forward to continuing my Armed Services duties to see Maine has a seat at the table for important national security decisions.”

Information on the subcommittees is as follows:

Airland Subcommittee: This subcommittee oversees equipment and related research for the Air Force and Army, as well as the tactical aviation programs of the Navy and Marine Corps. It also has jurisdiction over equipment for the National Guard and Reserve. As Ranking Member, Senator King will lead the Subcommittee along with the Chairman, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.).

Subcommittee on Seapower: This subcommittee exercises jurisdiction over maritime interests, including the budgets for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps procurement contracts, research, development, test, and evaluation funds, Army and Air Force strategic lift programs, and the National Defense Sealift Fund.

Subcommittee on Strategic Forces: This subcommittee exercises jurisdiction over the budgets for nuclear and strategic forces, intelligence programs, space programs, cyber space programs, Department of Energy defense, nuclear, and environmental programs, and ballistic missile defense.

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