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June 11, 2015

King Statement on Vote to Advance Cyber-Security Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, released the following statement today after voting to advance cyber-security legislation:

“I am disappointed that the Senate lost an opportunity to advance cyber-security legislation less than a week after one of the most significant cyber-breaches in our nation’s history. While I would have preferred that we move the cyber legislation forward separate of the National Defense Authorization Act so that there could be a more open debate, I think trying to ensure that our nation can put up a better defense against cyber-criminals who will continue to relentlessly probe our systems for weaknesses is more important than Senate process. From Sony to Anthem to OPM, we have seen the damage cyber-criminals can inflict, and it’s only a matter of time before it happens again – if not on a larger scale and to a vital part of our national infrastructure.

“I hope we have not lost our chance to act on this important bill and that we will again have the opportunity to take up this legislation on its own, have an open debate on the Senate floor, and ultimately pass a bill that will allow the government and the private sector to team up against cyber-attacks. I believe it was a mistake to try to advance this bill through the NDAA, but faced with the choice between a poor process and no bill, I chose to support the provision because of the urgency of this problem. Now we need to get back to work, which starts with us finding a way for it to pass and become law. The longer we wait, the more we put Americans at risk.”


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