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November 09, 2016

King Statement on the Presidential Election

BRUNSWICK, ME – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement today on the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States:

“As this campaign for the presidency draws to a close, I am hopeful that the President-elect and Congress can work together to write a new chapter in American history – one that begins and ends with the healing of our great national divide, a chasm that has seemingly only grown throughout the course of this long and bruising campaign.

“This task will require each of us – regardless of our politics, our religious affiliation, our skin color, our income, or any of our other differences – to summon ‘the better angels of our nature’, as President Lincoln once said, to look to one another with compassion and understanding, to view each other as neighbors rather than adversaries, to recognize that we are bound by a greater strength than the differences that attempt to pull us apart.

“It will be difficult, but it is achievable – because, after all, this is the story of America: a story of difficulties overcome, of obstacles surmounted, of a people who, despite what may divide us, are always striving to perfect their single Union. In the wake of this election, let us remember that and join together to move forward.”


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