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May 05, 2015

King Statement on Senate Passage of Budget Conference Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Budget Committee and Budget Conference Committee, released the following statement after the Senate approved the conference committee report by a vote of 51 to 48:

“Our nation’s fiscal challenges require a serious approach to budgeting, but unfortunately, this isn’t it. This budget would only hurt Maine families and our nation’s economy,” Senator King said. “By focusing solely on cuts, this budget embraces the failed policy of austerity, locks in sequestration for another two years, and completely ignores the importance of investments in driving economic growth. This country deserves a responsible, balanced approach to budgeting that employs targeted cuts, revenue increases, and smart investments to gain a handle on our federal debt while protecting people and allowing our economy to expand and grow. I will continue to work with my colleagues in pursuit of that.”

Throughout the budget process this year, Senator King has been a strong advocate of adopting a more sensible approach to the budget that helps relieve sequestration by striking an appropriate balance between spending reductions and revenue increases. During the Senate’s consideration of the budget, Senator King and Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) offered an amendment that would ease the harm sequestration does to national security and other areas like infrastructure and education, which are vital to future economic growth. The amendment, which passed by a bipartisan vote of 50-48 but was not included in the final conference report, calls for replacing sequester cuts in defense and non-defense accounts with a balanced package of changes in mandatory programs, targeted discretionary cuts, and cuts in tax expenditures.


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