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March 16, 2017

King Statement on President’s Budget Blueprint

BRUNSWICK, ME – In response to the release of the President’s budget blueprint for Fiscal Year 2018, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement today:

“I recognize and agree with the need to reduce federal spending as part of a balanced effort to tackle the debt and deficit, but I have a hard time seeing how eliminating heating assistance, cutting medical research, and ending economic development funding do little more than harm people, families, and businesses across Maine. And reducing State Department funding by nearly a third only jeopardizes our security and makes us less safe from global threats – not more, ” Senator King said. “To me, this doesn’t seem like a serious attempt to offer a reasonable, cost-cutting budget – and, sadly, it’s hardworking, middle class folks throughout the state who would bear the brunt of it all.”

The President is supposed to offer a budget proposal to Congress for consideration not later than the first Monday in February of each year. However, in transition years, the President typically does not submit a detailed budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year until the spring. A budget outline, or “skinny budget,” is offered in the interim. This budget outline proposes funding levels for fiscal year 2018 as well as supplemental funding for the current fiscal year. A full budget request for fiscal year 2018 is expected later in May. While the President offers budget proposals for consideration, Congress is charged with authorizing and appropriating federal funding.


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