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August 14, 2014

King Statement on Old Town Fuel and Fiber

BANGOR, ME – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement today in response to the announcement that operations at Old Town Mill will be suspended indefinitely, resulting in the furlough of approximately 180 employees:

“I’m disheartened by the news of the layoffs at Old Town Mill, which is a tremendous blow to the workers, their families, and the entire region’s already fragile economy. As I have in the past, I will work with Senator Collins and Congressman Michaud to try to quickly secure Trade Adjustment Assistance, along with any other federal resources that are available, to help support all those affected and provide them with the services that will put them on the path to other employment.

“There is no doubt that manufacturing in Maine has been hit hard lately, with layoffs leaving hundreds of families wondering how they’re going to pay the bills and put food on the table. It’s incredibly frustrating to me that many of these layoffs are the direct result of unfair trade policies that tilt the playing field in favor of foreign competitors at Maine’s expense. I have and will continue to press the U.S. Trade Representative and the Administration to strike trade agreements that put American manufacturers and American jobs first.

“At the same time, I think this country is in desperate need of a long-term strategy that will not only support, but really rejuvenate, the American manufacturing sector. I wholeheartedly support efforts in Congress to create industry-led manufacturing institutes that will help foster innovation by bridging the gap between research and development and improve access to cutting-edge equipment and capabilities.

“I continue to believe that the right vision and improved policies, when combined with the extraordinary talent and skill of Mainers, can help put Maine at the forefront of manufacturing once again.”


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