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March 13, 2013

King Statement on Introduction of Senate Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator Angus S. King, Jr. (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement after the Committee formally unveiled its budget blueprint today for the upcoming fiscal year:

“Since arriving in the Senate in January, I have been working to craft a budget resolution for the first time in four years. I believe the blueprint unveiled by the Committee’s majority today establishes a responsible, balanced approach to addressing our nation’s long-term economic health by including an equal mix of spending reductions and revenue increases that, when taken together, chart a serious and credible path forward.

“While I’m pleased with the progress we have made, I nonetheless realize that there are reservations on both sides of the aisle. This debate is ultimately and most fundamentally about the role and size of American government. As an Independent, I see value on both sides of the debate as well as the good intentions of the Senators making their respective arguments. No one doubts that we all share the same goal, which is to achieve a successful and prosperous America. We are working hard to arrive at a point where we have a solution in hand, and moving forward I remain committed to creating a budget that successfully creates jobs and grows our economy while at the same time addresses our long-term fiscal health.”

Video of Senator King discussing the budget blueprint during today’s hearing can be viewed here.


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