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January 14, 2014

King Statement on Emergency Unemployment Insurance Votes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-ME) released the following statement today after the Senate failed to move forward on compromise legislation that would have extended the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program through November and fully off-set the cost:

“I voted today to advance a compromise proposal that would have extended unemployment benefits for those who desperately need them and off-set the costs of that extension in part by adopting a bipartisan provision I introduced last year to reduce overlapping unemployment and disability benefits. It was a reasonable plan that would have helped more than 3,000 people in Maine in a way that is fiscally responsible for the country 

“That is why it’s all the more frustrating and disappointing to see objections over procedure prevent the legislation from moving forward. I believe the Majority Leader attempted to implement a fair amendment process – one that would have allowed for the consideration of five relevant amendments on each side of the aisle and that would have, in return, allowed for the bill to pass by a simple majority, meaning that it could not be filibustered.

“Unfortunately, objections to that proposal led to the effective demise of the bill and now thousands of Mainers and millions more Americans are left stranded and wondering how they will make ends meet while they search for work. I am disappointed by today’s votes, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to see if we can find consensus on a way forward.”


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