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July 19, 2014

King Statement on Administration’s Decision to Extend Diplomatic Negotiations with Iran

GEORGETOWN, ME – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, released the following statement in response to the Administration’s announcement that it will extend diplomatic discussions with Iran:

“While I have not had the opportunity to review the full details, I support the fundamental decision to continue negotiations to eliminate the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran,” Senator King said. “Based upon my understanding of the status of the negotiations, I am persuaded that we, along with our P5+1 partners, have achieved enough substantive progress over the course of the past six months to continue these discussions without the threat of additional sanctions at this time. I urge the negotiators to resolve the remaining issues and move expeditiously to finalize an agreement well in advance of the November deadline.

“The stakes in these negotiations couldn't be higher and, as long as the major constraints on Iran's nuclear program and the bulk of the existing sanctions remain in place, we have every reason to continue the discussions. I would have preferred a shorter extension, but understand that the complexity of the talks and the potentially catastrophic consequences of their failure justifies an extension long enough to assure that every option to resolve this issue is explored.”

In late January, Senators King and Carl Levin (D-Mich.), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, penned a New York Times op-ed urging their colleagues in Congress not to pursue additional sanctions on Iran in the midst of diplomatic negotiations.

Senator King also spoke at length about the negotiations during an event in January at the Council of Foreign Relations entitled, “Can Negotiations with Iran Succeed? A Conversation with Senator Angus King”. To watch, click HERE.


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