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September 11, 2015

King Statement in Remembrance of September 11th

BIDDEFORD, ME – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement on the 14th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks:

“On this day fourteen years ago, our nation was shaken to its core by vicious terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens. I can still vividly remember being in the Governor’s office that morning, and it felt almost as if the entire world was falling along with those towers.  And for those who lost loved ones at the Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in the fields of Pennsylvania, that awful feeling became a horrible reality. But from the ash and rubble we emerged stronger. In the face of those heinous acts of evil, we demonstrated this country’s awesome power for goodness and compassion.

“Today, we join together – just as we did fourteen years ago – to honor the lives of those lost and to pay tribute to the many brave Americans who risked their lives to save others. While we always remember September 11th with sorrow in our hearts, it is with great pride that we also remember the strength of spirit that defined our nation on that day and that brought us together in the days that followed. Indeed, in our darkest hour, the character and resiliency of ‎the American people shone brightest, and fourteen years later, it’s the same irrepressible character and resiliency that continue to bind us together, and undoubtedly, will forever drive us forward.”


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