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September 17, 2015

King Statement in Honor of POW/MIA Recognition Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In advance of National Prisoners of War/Missing in Action Recognition Day tomorrow, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement:

“Since the founding of our great nation, countless brave Americans have stood up in defense of the freedoms we enjoy, and today we pay tribute to the members of our Armed Forces who endured unthinkable hardships as prisoners of war as well as those who remain missing. These Americans represent some of our greatest heroes and their sacrifices are an inspiration to us all. 

“We owe these men and women – and their families – our deepest gratitude.  All across the country, black and white flags fly high in honor of our Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action.  On each flag the words “You are not forgotten” remind us of our responsibility to continue the unfinished work of bringing those brave men and women back home.

“To achieve this goal, we must not only reaffirm our commitment to the mission, but also we must resolve to dedicate the necessary resources to recover and return the remains of those who are still missing overseas. This is not an easy task, but the challenges are not insurmountable, and it is our duty to honor the legacy of those proud Americans with the same devotion that they exemplified through their service. And for those who have returned to us, it is our obligation to ensure they are cared for and supported with the compassion they deserve. This is our solemn charge.

“Today, on this Prisoners of War and Missing in Action Day, I am honored to join all Americans in recognizing and thanking those who have sacrificed so much in support of our nation.”

In 1979, Congress passed a resolution authorizing National Prisoners of War/ Missing in Action Recognition Day to be observed throughout the United States, and since 1986, the third Friday of September has been the national day of observance.


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