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May 28, 2018

King Statement In Honor of Memorial Day

LIMERICK, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement to honor our country’s fallen servicemembers on Memorial Day:

“I am humbled today to join with citizens from across Maine and the Nation to honor the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. We come together to not only express our everlasting gratitude to these brave members of our communities for their service but also to remind ourselves of the eternal debt that we owe them. For nearly 150 years, Memorial Day has been a day to give a voice to those who have fallen and to rededicate ourselves to the principles for which they fought and died. In the over two centuries of our history, more than a million Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country, and today we memorialize their patriotism, sense of duty, and courage.

“As we honor those who gave their lives in battle, we must also remember those veterans who served, those who were held prisoners of war or remain missing in action, and those who proudly serve in our Armed Forces today. Today, around the world, our servicemembers continue to serve on our behalf, protecting us from threats from around the globe. Their sacrifice and willingness to answer the call of duty deserve our enduring gratitude.

“I also want to express my deep appreciation for the families of our servicemembers. Our military families offer much needed support from afar; they endure the burdens of long deployments, the uncertainty, and too often the pain of terrible loss. While we will never be able to fully repay the debt owed to our fallen heroes and their families, we can resolve to never forget the mission for which they fought—keeping our Nation free and strong so that generations to come can live in liberty and fulfill the promise of a better future.

“Joshua Chamberlain once said, ‘The power of noble deeds is to be preserved and passed on to the future.’ Our servicemembers have performed countless noble deeds—they protect our country, they support each other when they return home, they support their communities, and so much more. It is our duty to ensure that their service and these noble deeds are not forgotten. 

“Thank you for joining together to honor our brave servicemembers, past and present, and ensuring that their sacrifices are remembered. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.”

Later today, Senator King will participate in the Memorial Day Parade in Limerick, and give remarks at a ceremony at Tibbetts Veterans Memorial Park in Limerick to honor the sacrifices of American veterans. Later in the day, he will tour the Layman Way Recovery Center in Alfred. The center is designed to provide treatment for chemical dependencies to 24 individuals at a time, and is a collaborative effort of York County Government, the York County District Attorney’s Office and York County Shelter Programs.

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