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December 24, 2020

King Scores Energy Victories in Year-End Spending Bill that Will Reduce Costs for Consumers, Strengthen Fight Against Climate Change

WASHINGTON, D.C. –The year-end appropriations bill, which passed Congress by veto-proof, bipartisan margins earlier this week, included significant provisions sponsored by U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine). The legislation includes the most sweeping energy package passed by Congress in over a decade, which will enhance the potential of renewable energy, support Maine’s forest products industry, reduce consumer energy costs, and significantly advance the nation’s fight against climate change.

“Climate change is an overarching threat to our planet and our people – at the same time we face of this challenge, it also presents us with enormous opportunities if we are bold,” said Senator King. “Shifting our energy system to prioritize renewable technologies and resources can mitigate the risks of climate change, reduce energy costs for consumers, and strengthen America’s technological leadership around the globe. To continue to set the standard for the future, America needs to invest in the clean energy options that nature provides us. The energy package included in this year-end legislation advances a number of key priorities to support the American people in the short-term, and protect our planet in the long-term.”

Energy provisions led and supported by Senator King in the year-end legislation include:

·         Support for energy storage research. Knowing the energy storage is the key to unlocking the full potential of renewable energy, Senator King has been a vocal advocate for research, development, and commercialization of this technology. The legislation includes Senator King’s Joint Long Term Energy Storage Act, which creates a joint program between the Dept. of Energy and Dept. of Defense that would focus on the development and deployment of long duration energy storage technology to help store energy for days instead of just hours. 

·         Investments in renewable energy. Expanding America’s investments in renewable energy are key to our country’s future leadership. This package includes $2.86 billion for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and $427 million for ARPA-E, which has supported research initiatives at the University of Maine; Senator King has long supported both programs.

·         Tax incentives for renewable energy development. The package offers incentives to support offshore wind development, which Senator King has supported through cosponsoring legislation to extend the offshore tax credit through 2027, and maintains a 26% investment tax credit for solar energy through 2022.  

·         Opportunities for forest products industry. Senator King’s Biomass Thermal Utilization Act was also included in the package, which incentivizes the use of energy efficient wood boilers, stoves, and heaters in homes that can reduce energy costs and promote the sustainable use of forest products from Maine.

·         Reauthorizes energy efficiency initiatives. The legislation includes Senator King’s Combined Heat and Power Support Act, which reauthorizes the combined heat and power technical assistance program that has assisted Maine businesses in lowering their energy costs and become more energy efficient. In addition, the legislation reauthorizes the Weatherization Assistance Program at $330 million for FY21 to help make energy bills more affordable for homeowners and businesses through a grant program to make weatherization and efficiency upgrades.

·         LIHEAP funding. A vocal supporter of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Senator King advocated for the inclusion of $3.75 billion for this important safety-net program which helps low-income households and seniors have access to affordable heat and power.

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