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March 11, 2014

King Responds to Feinstein’s Remarks on CIA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to Senator Dianne Feinstein’s remarks on the floor of the Senate this morning, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement today:

“Based upon the facts as I currently understand them, I find this situation extremely troubling,” Senator King said. “At Mr. Brennan’s nomination hearing in February 2013, and in the privacy of my office, I made clear to him that I expect the CIA to be open and forthright with the Committee. I have concerns that the CIA has failed to meet this standard in its handling of the Committee’s Detention and Interrogation Study. I look forward to addressing these issues directly with Director Brennan and my colleagues on the Senate Intelligence Committee.” 

In February 2013, Senator King questioned Director John Brennan, then-nominee to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee and emphasized the importance of the CIA remaining completely open with the Committee:

“It’s incredibly important for the CIA to be totally open with this committee – the reason is that there is no one else watching. Typically in this country, the public is involved, the press is involved, there are a lot of people who have access to information about what the Department of Commerce is doing or the Department of State. This is a unique [situation] where this Committee, and the comparable Committee in the House, are the only places really paying attention in terms of separation of powers – so it’s not just nice to have that openness, it’s critically important, and I hope you subscribe to that view.” he said.

Director Brennan responded in the affirmative. 


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