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March 04, 2018

King Presents Congressional Record Statement to Outgoing Fort Kent Town Manager

Presentation was made as King was in Fort Kent for 26th Annual Can-Am

FORT KENT, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King presented Don Guimond with a Congressional Record statement honoring Guimond’s 24-year tenure as town manager of Fort Kent. Guimond will be stepping down from the position on March 15.

“Don is a remarkable public servant, mentor, and individual who has truly led by example,” said Senator King in the statement, which was entered into the Congressional Record. “His inclusive leadership style has cultivated a community that is now the envy of many communities throughout the state of Maine…During his 24 year tenure as Town Manager, Don was at the heart of all of the significant projects that have maintained and continue to shape the town.”

Don Guimond has served as Town Manager of Fort Kent for the past 24 years, and been a steady and valuable source of leadership in Aroostook County. Senator King presented him with the statement while in town for the Can-Am Crown International Sled Dog Races, an annual Fort Kent tradition dating back more than two decades that has thrived under Guimond’s tenure. There are three races at different distances: 30 miles, 100 miles and 250 miles. The 250-mile race is a qualifier for other prominent sled dog races, like the Iditarod and the Yukon Quest.

The full statement honoring Guimond can be read below:


     Mr. KING. Mr. President, today I wish to honor and recognize Donald Guimond who is retiring as the Town Manager for the town of Fort Kent, ME. Don is a remarkable public servant, mentor, and individual who has truly led by example. His inclusive leadership style has cultivated a community that is now the envy of many communities throughout the state of Maine. Located in Aroostook County—the Crown of Maine—Fort Kent is known for being the northern boundary of Route One, for the generosity of its citizens, and for the ability to make seemingly insurmountable projects happen. 

     During his 24 year tenure as Town Manager, Don was at the heart of all of the significant projects that have maintained and continue to shape the town. Staying true to his philosophy that “taxpayers of our community [stay] at the forefront of decisions”—he has included the voices of community members in his decisions. In the same vein, he was present for every project regardless of its scope.

     Don has provided invaluable advice and leadership to development groups, the Greater Fort Kent Chamber of Commerce and many other boards and organizations.  He has also participated in numerous international events from outdoor, volunteer driven events like World Cup Biathlons and the Can Am Crown sled dog races, to cultural events like the 2014 World Acadian Congress. During the flood of 2008, Don was everywhere—making sure that townsfolks were taken care of, using his skills to assist government agencies, non-profit organizations, and others to make sure that people’s needs were being met. His efforts during that tumultuous time, were praised by local and state leaders.

     Don has mentored many leaders within Aroostook County, imparting to them his understanding of how a municipality functions best.  If we could all channel our inner Don Guimond, governing would be a little easier.  I join the state of Maine, his family, colleagues and employees in thanking Don for his outstanding service and the instrumental impact he has made on Fort Kent and Aroostook County. In showing the way to make a community and a region better by action—he has made many contributions to the state of Maine and I am certain he will find a way to continue to do that!


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