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July 18, 2017

King on Health Care: Let’s Now Work Together to Make Health Care More Accessible, Less Expensive

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the failure of the second iteration of the Senate health care bill and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s decision to vote this week on a repeal and delay bill, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following video statement on his Facebook page:

“The events of the last couple of days around here with regard to health care have given us a real opportunity to do something together on a bipartisan basis – to improve the present health care delivery system in this country.

“One of the first things that I think we can all agree on is: it’s too expensive. The underlying cost of health care is too high, and we have to start talking about what we can do to bring that down. One of the ones [ideas] that immediately comes to mind is lowering the price of prescription drugs – for seniors and for people across the board in this country. That’s one area. Other changes to the Affordable Care Act that can make coverage available to more people in more places.

“There are lots of ideas out there, and what I hope we can do is put aside the ideology, put aside ‘you know, we got to check a box on repealing or replacing’, and let’s talk about how we can work together to improve the health care system, make it more accessible, and more cost effective – or another way to say that is – less expensive for the American people.”

To watch Senator King’s video on Facebook, click HERE.


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