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May 02, 2014

King on April Jobs Report: It’s Time to Give the American People a Chance to Prosper

BRUNSWICK, ME – In response to the April jobs report released today by the U.S. Department of Labor, which revealed that the economy added 288,000 new jobs, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement calling on Congress to find middle ground on a minimum wage compromise:

“Today’s job report is great news and once again shows that the economy is climbing out of the recession. But what it doesn’t reveal are the real world implications for the still millions of unemployed and many more underemployed Americans who continue to struggle to put food on the table, purchase medications, and make ends meet.

“Congress owes the American people more than we have accomplished this year. From extending emergency unemployment benefits to finding a compromise on the minimum wage, Congress could and should make a significant difference in the lives of Americans who want to work, who want to provide for their families, and who deserve a chance to prosper. It’s time we cast aside the partisanship and election-year politicking to do what’s right.”

The Department of Labor announced today that the economy added 288,000 jobs in April and that the unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 percent. The report also revised February employment gains upward to 222,000 and March gains upward to 203,000. On Wednesday, the Senate failed to advance to a bill to raise the minimum wage by a vote of 54-42.


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