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August 03, 2022

King, Murkowski Introduce Comprehensive Arctic Trade and Security Bill

Senate Arctic Caucus Co-Chairs legislation would improve economic prospects for Maine, enhance protections for Eastport, Searsport, and Portland

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Angus King (I-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Co-Chairs of the Senate Arctic Caucus, have introduced bipartisan, comprehensive legislation to improve America’s posture and opportunities in the Arctic. The Arctic Commitment Act includes a wide variety of Arctic-focused provisions pertaining to national security, shipping, research, and trade. The bill requires reports on eliminating Russia’s monopoly on Arctic shipping and establishing a permanent U.S. maritime presence in Alaskan and Maine locations, while prescribing improved coordination among federal agencies on Arctic matters.

“The United States is an Arctic Nation, and it is long overdue that we think and act strategically to seize the new opportunities of the High North, as well as the challenges of the region,” said Senator King.  “We cannot be bystanders in the region when we are at a true inflection point in the Arctic.  We must be participants – and part of that leadership role includes investments in infrastructure, and standing up for our national interests through military and policy means that demonstrate our commitment and vision to making our presence a priority there.  I thank my Co-Chair on the Senate Caucus for sharing this bipartisan perspective as we make our intentions clear to pursue and defend America’s interests.”

“I have long raised the importance of Alaska’s location and the immense value being an Arctic nation provides to our nation,” said Senator Murkowski. “This leadership role requires our attention, stewardship and active effort. I am proud to introduce this comprehensive Arctic bill—covering everything from arctic shipping, to national security, to domain awareness and presence, and strengthening our relationships with fellow Arctic nations. Opportunities abound in the Arctic, but accompanying them are great challenges and serious competition. This legislation takes measures to help protect our Arctic interests, project our capabilities in the High North, leverage our strategic location, and deepen relations with Arctic allies. The United States is an Arctic nation, and we must invest and lead in the region.”

The Arctic Commitment Act works to improve America’s standing in the Arctic by:

  • Eliminating a Russian Monopoly on Arctic Shipping by requiring the Department of Transportation to submit a report to Congress describing the control and influence of the Russian Federation on shipping in the Arctic and includes a plan for eliminating or preventing a Russian monopoly to enable an increased U.S. presence in the Arctic shipping domain.
  • Establishing a permanent maritime presence to protect America’s Arctic interests by requiring the Commandant of the Coast Guard and the Secretary of the Navy to submit a report that outlines the requirements necessary to establish a persistent, year-round presence of the Navy and the Coast Guard for Eastport, Searsport, and Portland in Maine, along with Alaska locations including the Port of Nome, the natural deepwater port of Unalaska, and the natural deepwater port of Port Clarence. It also requires cost estimates of implementing the requirements and considers the establishment of onshore infrastructure required to support year-round maritime operations in the vicinity of the Bering Sea and the Arctic region.
  • Implementing Arctic Strategies at the Port of Nome by mandating the Secretary of the Navy, in consultation with the Commandant of the Coast Guard, to coordinate with the Chief of Engineers of the Army Corps of Engineers to ensure that the Port of Nome is usable for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Arctic Region and the various Arctic-focused military service strategies.
  • Amending the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 by mending the Deepwater Port Act by adding language allowing the Secretary of Energy to issue a license for the export of hydrogen in all of its forms, including as liquefied natural gas, hydrogen, and ammonia.
  • Updating Arctic Research and Policy Act (ARPA) of 1984 by amending the ARPA to reflect today’s environment such as reflecting the importance of research pertaining to climate change and the critical role of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission.
  • Expanding investment by the United States International Development in Arctic countries by expressing the Sense of Congress that Arctic nations are important partners with the United States; and the United States International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) should make investments in Arctic countries to facilitate technologies that contribute to energy security and durable, sustainable opportunities for indigenous entities. It authorizes the DFC to provide financing to entities in Arctic countries, including Arctic indigenous organizations, for projects that involve the responsible extraction and development of critical minerals and projects that the Chief Executive Officer of the DFC, in coordination with the Secretary of State, determine to be in the strategic interest of the United States. Russia is excluded from the definition of “Arctic Countries.
  • Strengthening our relationship with Arctic Nations by expressing the Sense of Congress pertaining to a Free Trade Agreement with Iceland and establishes that a citizen of Iceland shall be eligible for an E visa (for an investor or trader who is a national of a foreign country with a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States) if Iceland provides a similar nonimmigrant status to U.S. nationals.

As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Armed Services Committee, and Co-Chair of the U.S. Senate Arctic Caucus, Senator King is an advocate for Maine and America’s interests in the North Atlantic and Arctic region. Along with Caucus co-chair Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), King recently supported Finland and Sweden joining the NATO alliance, and supported the decision of Arctic intergovernmental forums, including the Arctic Council and Arctic Economic Council, to publicly denounce Russia’s unprovoked attacks against Ukraine and stand with America’s partners. King recently laid out the challenges and opportunities of a warming arctic in an article in the Wilson Quarterly, and in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, he successfully secured the inclusion of provisions to increase America’s activity and opportunities in the Far North.

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