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March 20, 2013

King, Michaud & Pingree Send Judicial Candidates to Obama

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Mike Michaud, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, and Senator Angus King announced they are forwarding the names of the Honorable Jon D. Levy, William D. Robitzek, and Jeffrey N. Young to President Obama for his consideration to fill the upcoming judgeship vacancy on the United States District Court, District of Maine. The President will send one name to the Senate for confirmation to replace the Honorable George Z. Singal, who is taking senior status on July 31, 2013.

“We had an impressive slate of applicants, and the candidates that were recommended to us are extremely well qualified,” said the delegation. “We appreciate and thank the members of the screening panel for their thorough work and excellent recommendations.”

A judicial screening panel that was formed in February interviewed fourteen applicants, which led to the final three recommendations. Levy is an associate Justice on the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in Portland, Robitzek is an attorney with Berman & Simmons in Lewiston, and Young is an attorney with McTeague Higbee in Topsham.

The full text of the letter sent today can be found below:

March 20, 2013

Dear President Obama:

We are pleased to forward for consideration the names of the Honorable Jon Levy, William D. Robitzek, and Jeffrey N. Young for appointment to a seat on the United States District Court, District of Maine that will become vacant when the Honorable George Z. Singal assumes senior status.

In February of this year, our offices created a judicial screening panel of twelve attorneys, legal scholars, and a retired judge representing the strength and diversity of our statewide bar and chaired by respected attorney Peter J. DeTroy. With this panel, we developed an open and comprehensive process to consider applicants for this critical vacancy. Our offices issued a joint press release to the statewide media announcing the screening process which was widely publicized by the Maine Bar Association. Subsequently, fourteen applicants submitted their resumes for consideration by the screening panel.

The screening panel interviewed all applicants and recommended Judge Levy, Mr. Robitzek, and Mr. Young for further consideration. We reviewed the panel’s process, analysis, and recommendations, before sending these names to you for your consideration.

All three of these candidates have extraordinary legal backgrounds and are well qualified to follow in the respected tradition of Judge George Signal. Any of them would make your Administration and the people of Maine proud.

We have forwarded electronic copies of available background materials for each of the candidates to your office. We look forward to working with you to expeditiously fill this pending vacancy.


Angus S. King, Jr.

United States Senator

Michael H. Michaud

Member of Congress

Chellie Pingree

Member of Congress

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