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March 18, 2013

King Meets with Nominee to Lead Office of Management and Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator Angus S. King, Jr. (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today met with Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the President’s nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Following their meeting, Senator King released the following statement:

“Ms. Burwell and I had a substantive discussion about our nation’s current and long-term budgetary challenges. We shared insights on how Congress and the Administration can work cooperatively to reintroduce fiscal certainty and emphasized the need to proceed in a balanced manner that evenly addresses spending reductions with revenue increases to achieve long-term economic stability.

“Her insights were valuable and particularly timely given the Senate’s intention this week to consider its first budget resolution in four years – a blueprint that I’ve been working hard on as a member of the Senate Budget Committee.

“We also had a lengthy discussion about federal regulations, which the Office of Management and Budget is tasked with regularly reviewing. I specifically expressed my concern that outdated regulations continue to needlessly burden small businesses and impede job growth. I was encouraged to learn that, if confirmed, she would be open to discussing how we can improve the OMB’s oversight of the regulatory process.

“I look forward to continuing to review Ms. Burwell’s record and hearing her testimony before the Committee. As always, I’ll reserve final judgment on her nomination until the conclusion of that hearing.”

BACKGROUND: Sylvia Mathews Burwell was nominated for Director of the Office of Management and Budget by President Obama on March 4, 2013. If confirmed, she will replace Jeffrey Zients, Acting Director of the OMB and Deputy Director for Management. The Director of the OMB is one of two cabinet-level posts that receive confirmation hearings from the Senate Budget Committee, the other being the Deputy Director of the OMB. The Budget Committee nomination hearing is expected to occur in late April.


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