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January 21, 2020

King: McConnell’s Impeachment Rules “Attempt to Undermine Our Work Before It’s Even Begun”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement opposing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s proposed rules for the upcoming impeachment trial of President Donald Trump:

“For weeks, Senator McConnell has been telling everyone who would listen that the Senate’s impeachment process would use the rules that governed the Clinton impeachment – but it is clear today that his assertions were at best misleading, and at worst, a willful bait and switch,” said Senator King. “It is more obvious than ever that this is not just a trial in the Senate – it is a trial *of* the Senate. As we approach today’s votes, my colleagues and I face a stark choice: we can either commit to a fair trial that focuses on getting the truth, or endorse a flawed process that attempts to undermine our work before it’s even begun. If I have one bit of advice for my Senate colleagues, it is this: the truth will come out in all of this, and we will be judged on whether we sought it or sought to avoid it. I sincerely hope that our body can rise to this task, and live up to our shared commitment to impartial justice.”

After previously stating the Senate would use the same rules that were adopted during the Clinton impeachment proceedings, the McConnell resolution would enact a number of key changes which create new hurdles regarding the inclusion of evidence collected by the House and push the proceedings late in the night, making it more difficult for the American people to follow the process.  Specifically, the resolution creates new procedural votes prior to calling witnesses; if Senator McConnell’s proposed rules are passed without amendments, his trial structure will include numerous opportunities for senators to vote to consider questioning witnesses, while blocking their testimony from consideration in a later vote.

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