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September 13, 2013

King Lays Out Thoughts on Syria in “This Week in Washington”

Will also host discussion on Syria with former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen tomorrow on WGAN

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In his weekly video, “This Week in Washington,” U.S. Senator Angus King, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Armed Services Committee, laid out his thoughts on the situation in Syria and the evolving diplomatic efforts to place Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons under international control.

To download a broadcast-quality version, click here, and to download an audio-only version, click here.

In the video Senator King said:

“The question before us is: to what extent is the threat of the President's strike contributing to the possibility of a diplomatic solution? And that's what I'm wrestling with; that's what many members of Congress are wrestling with – is how to craft a resolution, if there's one needed at all, that will strengthen the President's hand in terms of the negotiations with the Russians and the Syrians. At the same time many of us – I'm one of them – have deep skepticism about the efficacy and also the consequences of a military strike, so I haven't taken a position because right now I don't know what we'll be confronted with in terms of something to vote on.”

“I've been in touch with thousands of people in Maine. Clearly the opinion in Maine is against getting involved in a war in Syria. I agree with that sentiment. The question is, though, is something more limited that deals with this issue of chemical weapons justified, and I haven't reached a decision on that,” Senator King continued. “I am very supportive of the diplomatic approach. I think that would be of great benefit to all of humanity because it would get the chemical weapons not only out of the hands of Assad, but get them out of the country so they don't fall into the hands of some of the less desirable opposition forces – so that's the best possible outcome, and that's what everybody here is hoping is going to happen.”

Additionally, tomorrow, Saturday, September 14th at 10:00 a.m. ET, former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen will join Senator King on NewsRADIO 560 WGAN to discuss the situation in Syria.

“I’m pleased that Secretary Cohen will join me this weekend to discuss the situation in Syria,” Senator King said. “There are few people who possess his level of expertise and his depth of knowledge on defense-related matters and foreign affairs issues. His perspective is unique and timely, and I look forward to speaking with him this coming Saturday on WGAN.”

         WHO:        U.S. Senator Angus King

Former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen

          WHAT:     Discussion of the situation in Syria

          WHEN:     Tomorrow, Saturday, September 14th

10:00 a.m. ET

          WHERE:   Tune in to NewsRADIO 560 WGAN


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