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August 02, 2017

King Joins “College to Congress” to Support Internship Opportunities on Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) yesterday joined the Congressional Host Committee of College to Congress. College to Congress is a bipartisan, non-profit organization that provides high-achieving college students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to intern for members of Congress on Capitol Hill. The organization offers need-based scholarships to cover the cost of living in Washington, D.C., while working in internships that are traditionally unpaid. Senator King is among the few Members of Congress to pay his full-time interns.

“If there’s anything I’ve learned from the interns in my office, it’s that there’s nothing a kid from Maine can’t do if given the chance to succeed,” Senator King said. “By supporting student’s hard work and determination, College to Congress is helping young people across the country grow, prosper and find success in public service."

 “I believe in a world where everyone has equitable access to opportunities. Senator King shares that world view,” said Audrey Henson, Founder & CEO of College to Congress. “By partnering with College to Congress, we can work together to eliminate the barriers faced by underrepresented students who want to serve their country. As we expand our efforts into the Senate, I can think of no better example of a bi-partisan leader to foster students’ untapped talent for the advancement of our nation.”

College to Congress scholarships are awarded to students who are Pell Grant eligible and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. It covers all costs associated with an eight-week summer internship, including a professional wardrobe stipend, transportation to and from Washington, D.C., housing, and a meal stipend.

Senator King joins Senators Inhofe (R-OK) and Flake (R-AZ), along with 36 Representatives, as Members of the Congressional Host Committee.


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