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November 11, 2013

King Honors Service Men and Women in Observance of Veterans Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In observance of Veterans Day, U.S. Senator Angus King today released the following statement thanking the brave men and women of our armed forces, and those who served before them, for their exceptional service to our country. Veterans Day was first proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson on November 11, 1919. It is an official federal holiday that honors all of America’s veterans for their selfless courage in the face of danger and unwavering commitment to the defense of our great nation.

Below is Senator King’s full statement.

“For generations, the brave men and women of our armed forces have stood proudly in defense of this country. Their tireless efforts and unfailing bravery have kept us safe in times of peril.  This Veterans Day, we reflect upon their service and the debt of honor that we owe them and their families. It is a time for us to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice, those who have returned safely to our shores, and the future generations of veterans to whom we must rededicate ourselves. On battlefields from Bunker Hill to Baghdad and Kandahar, their unparalleled professionalism and selfless sacrifice exemplify the best of America: strength, loyalty, and unwavering dedication to the welfare of others. 

“We must also bear in mind that we remain a nation at war, and today, there are tens of thousands of service men and women serving in Afghanistan and other places far from the safety of home. They, and the generations of Americans who have proudly worn the uniform before them, deserve the unwavering support of a grateful nation. No veteran should have to live on the streets of a country they defended.  No veteran should have to endure a lengthy backlog to receive the benefits that they earned. All veterans deserve only the highest quality of care and support that our country can offer; fulfilling that promise is one of our most sacred duties.”


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