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May 25, 2020

King Honors “Sacred Moment” of Memorial Day

“Memorial Day is a time to remember, a time to reach out to family, and a time to think about what a wonderful place and what an opportunity we have to live in this country because of the sacrifices of those who came before”

BRUNSWICK, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released a video on his social media channels honoring Memorial Day and emphasizing the importance of honoring our nation’s fallen servicemembers, even as coronavirus’s social distancing requirements interfere with traditional forms of observing the day. The video, shared to Senator King’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, can be downloaded in full HERE.

“Memorial Day is a sacred moment for Americans. It’s an important moment because it’s the moment and the day that we stop and think about the sacrifices that have been made for us – the ultimate sacrifice made by thousands and thousands of people that came before us to make and defend the America that we know and love,” said Senator King in his Memorial Day video. “It means so much in small towns and big cities, and this year it’s particularly poignant because we can’t get together, we can’t go out to the parade, we can’t stand at the memorial all together – we can’t reach out to one another physically. But it’s nonetheless important to remember what was done on our behalf. And also, remember our veterans – those who didn’t have to make that awful sacrifice, but who signed up to do it if they were called upon.  

“Stop and think about for a minute, people who – when they sign that piece of paper, they’re putting their lives on the line for the rest of us. And that’s why they deserve so much respect and thanks from all of us…. Memorial Day is a time to remember, a time to reach out to family, and a time to think about what a wonderful place and what an opportunity we have to live in this country because of the sacrifices of those who came before.”  

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