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April 01, 2014

King Hails Surge of Affordable Care Act Sign-Ups

More Than 7 Million Americans Sign Up for Private Insurance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) applauded the news this afternoon that more than seven million Americans have signed up for private health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

“The incredible surge in sign-ups over the last few days sends a clear message: the American people want high-quality health care that won’t break the bank, and they know the Affordable Care Act will help them get it,” Senator King said. “In fact, because of this law, people with preexisting conditions will never again have to worry about being denied coverage, young people can stay on their parents’ plan until they’re 26, and no one will have to live in fear of hitting a lifetime or annual cap. It also allows people to express their entrepreneurial spirit and break free of their current jobs to start new businesses and create jobs.”

Updated figures include the more than seven million who have signed up for coverage on the health care exchange, an estimated 4.7 million who have gained coverage under the Medicaid expansion authorized by the law, and the estimated 3.1 million young people who were allowed to stay on their parents’ policies until age 26.

“Fourteen million people covered is a significant milestone,” continued Senator King. “And now our task is to see that the next phase of the law’s implementation goes as smoothly as possible. Of course, I will continue to work with willing members on both sides of the aisle to fix the law where needed, but today’s news should be a clear sign that the Affordable Care Act is making a real and positive difference in the lives of millions of Americans. And the takeaway for Congress should be that it’s time for us to work together to improve the law rather than trying to find a way to dismantle it.”


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