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February 04, 2015

King Hails FCC Chair’s Proposal to Protect Net Neutrality

“The Internet can and should be a powerful, open platform that gives everyone – not just the highest-bidder – the opportunity to freely exchange goods and ideas.” – Sen. King, November 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to an announcement from Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler that he intends to circulate an order that will preserve open access to the Internet, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a strong proponent of net neutrality, released the following statement:

“Preserving an open and free Internet is not only crucial – but indeed, necessary – to protecting free speech, fostering economic innovation, and, perhaps most importantly, ensuring that one of the most powerful resources we have today doesn’t become a tool for only those who can afford it,” Senator King said. “No one has any more of a right to the Internet than anyone else, and for the first time, the FCC is proposing strong, tailored, bright-line rules that will help safeguard that fundamental principle of fairness. I look forward to learning more about the details of these rules prior to the FCC vote later this month, particularly regarding how protections will be applied to points of network interconnection, but am tremendously encouraged by this announcement.”

Chairman Wheeler today announced that he is proposing clear, sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression. The proposal will use Title II of the Telecommunications Act to enact Open Internet rules that will prevent blocking of lawful content, throttling of content, or paid prioritization and will maintain transparency requirements under Section 706 of the Act. The Chairman’s comprehensive proposal will be voted on the FCC’s February 26 open meeting. For additional information, see the FCC’s fact sheet HERE.

In September 2014, Senator King urged the Chairman Wheeler in a letter to implement “strong and unambiguous” rules under Title II with appropriate forbearance that will guarantee regulatory certainty and open and equal access to the Internet for everyone. Senator King and Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) also joined forces last year to pen an op-ed for on the importance of preserving net neutrality.


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