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January 12, 2017

King Criticizes Senate for Advancing Repeal of Affordable Care Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement tonight after the U.S. Senate voted to advance a budget resolution aimed at repealing the Affordable Care Act:

            “The Senate has made a serious mistake tonight. The repeal of the Affordable Care Act, without a credible replacement, will have disastrous consequences for tens of thousands of people in Maine and millions more across the country. Not only will it strip more than 75,000 Mainers of their health insurance – some of whom were never able to afford it before or whom were denied it because of a pre-existing condition – but it will also substantially harm rural hospitals across the state, making health care that much harder to get. It doesn’t make any sense, and I’m deeply concerned that it will jeopardize people’s lives,” Senator King said. “I will continue to look for every opportunity to fight this bad bill, and I also continue to hope that my colleagues will abandon this misguided push and, instead, put politics aside and work together to fix the law.”


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