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January 19, 2018

King Cosponsors Bill to Pay Military During Potential Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today announced his support for the Pay Our Military Act, a bill that would guarantee military personnel receive regular paychecks and related compensation in the event of a government shutdown. The bill would also allow most Department of Defense civilians and some contractors to go back to work, provided that they directly support uniformed personnel, and provides for death benefits for service members killed overseas.

“Congress’s failure to govern responsibly shouldn’t mean that our military personnel go without pay,” said Senator King. “In the event that Congressional leadership is unable to avoid a shutdown before tonight’s deadline, I hope that we can all come together to protect the livelihoods of our men and women in uniform.”

The Pay Our Military Act was introduced by Senators Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). Under current law, during a federal shutdown, government employees and contractors who remain on the job are guaranteed pay, but not until after the federal government reopens.  Employees furloughed during a shutdown may receive back pay if Congress approves it through a separate bill that is then signed into law by the President.

Throughout his time in the Senate, Senator King has been a staunch advocate for the military, and as a member of the Armed Services Committee he has been deeply involved in crafting the National Defense Authorization Act, which establishes policies and authorizes funding for the Department of Defense as well as the national security programs of the Department of Energy. The effect of continuing resolutions on the Defense Department is a major factor in his opposition to the passage of a 4-week CR, calling the continued use of the legislative tactic a “slow-motion shutdown” that impairs our national defense. 

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