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May 15, 2019

King Cosponsors Bill to Address “Root Cause” of Central American Migrant Crisis

With migration patterns frequently by safety and eroding conditions, CARE Act will improve the region to curb contributing factors

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) announced his support for the Central America Reform and Enforcement (CARE) Act, legislation that would address the root causes of the Central American migrant crisis. The legislation outlines the coordinated regional response needed to effectively manage the endemic violence and humanitarian crises in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras that are forcing many women, children, and families to flee to seek refuge in the U.S.

“I’m for smart border security – but at the same time, it’s clear that no amount of border security will deter migrants fleeing for their lives,” said Senator King. “So long as these individuals are motivated by the need to escape violence and corruption, men, women, and children desperate for a better life will take the risk and seek new opportunities in America. We cannot fix this problem by compromising our national values – instead, let’s lean on them, and address the root cause of the challenge that causes these families to flee their homes.”

Specifically, the Central America Reform and Enforcement Act would:

  • Condition assistance to Northern Triangle governments to address the root causes of the violence and instability that are driving migration.  El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are among the most dangerous countries in the world, especially for women and children. Their populations face unrelenting and increasing violence, including murder and rape, perpetrated by armed criminal gangs and drug traffickers that act with impunity. The CARE Act provides conditional assistance to these governments to restore the rule of law; create a more secure environment for children and families; strengthen democratic public institutions and reduce corruption; and promote economic opportunities.  Assistance funding is conditioned on the State Department certifying that the governments are implementing reforms and making progress on critical priorities.
  • Crack down on smugglers, cartels, and traffickers exploiting children and families.  Smuggling and trafficking rings exploit the desperation of those seeking protection.  The CARE Act creates new criminal penalties for human smuggling, schemes to defraud immigrants, and bulk cash smuggling.  It also expands the work by the Department of Homeland Security and law enforcement agencies to disrupt and prosecute smuggling and trafficking rings.
  • Minimize border crossings by expanding refugee processing in the region. Ongoing, rampant violence in the region suggests that women and children will continue to flee to other countries in search of protection.  The CARE Act helps Mexico and other Central American countries to strengthen their own asylum systems, expands refugee processing for third-country resettlement and creates a new refugee processing program to provide women and children an alternative to making the dangerous journey north. 
  • Enhance monitoring of unaccompanied children after they are processed at the border. The U.S. government lacks the resources to track unaccompanied children after they are processed by Border Patrol and are placed with a sponsor, usually a close family member.  The CARE Act strengthens the Department of Health and Human Services’ ability to oversee the safety and wellbeing of children released to an adult sponsor while they await their court hearing by requiring consistent, uniform and timely background checks, post-placement wellness checks and post-release services.  The bill also provides resources and guidance to local school districts enrolling unaccompanied children.
  • Ensure fair, orderly and efficient processing of those who do reach our border seeking protection.  The United States has a long tradition of standing up for refugees around the world and has the capacity and responsibility to do so now with those fleeing increasing violence in our own hemisphere.  The CARE Act provides a fair legal process for children and families seeking asylum, improves immigration court efficiencies by requiring a significant increase in the number of immigration judges to ensure the prompt resolution of immigration claims, and establishes reintegration programs in the region that reduce the likelihood of remigration for those who do not have legal grounds to stay in the United States.

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