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April 28, 2020

King Connects with YMCA Youth Advocates to Discuss Coronavirus Response Efforts and Nonprofit Relief

BRUNSWICK, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) participated in a video teleconference with YMCA Youth Advocates from Maine and across the nation to discuss the Senate’s efforts to support youth and nonprofits amid the coronavirus pandemic. Organizations like the YMCA are providing children and teens community spaces online where they can participate in activities, learn in a safe environment, and make new friends. Today’s conversation moderated by Martin Brozman, Maine YMCA Youth Governor, and Ellie MacMillan, Maine YMCA Youth Advocate – both Bangor residents.


“Each region in Maine usually has a spot that serves as a center to their community – and for many, that’s the local YMCA. For decades, the Y has provided young people with opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with friends – and though the pandemic has impacted our ability to gather physically, it has not changed the Y’s commitment to this mission,” said Senator King. “The Y and other nonprofits have worked diligently during the coronavirus crisis to support America’s youth, and our student leaders have stepped up to be there for each other and our first responders however they can. I’m grateful for the work of all of these leaders – and know that, with young leaders like Martin, Ellie, and many, many more, the next generation is ready to get to work to build a better world. I know this is a hard time, but it’s important to remember that we will get through this, together.”

"Like many other youth-serving nonprofits, the Y has worked to create a welcoming virtual space for students in our YMCA Youth and Government programs,” said Derek Summerville, National Youth Engagement Director, YMCA Youth and Government Programs. “We're honored to have elected officials like Senator King taking the time to speak with young people about how this crisis is impacting their communities, and how they can stay engaged while safe at home. We're also excited to have our Maine YMCA Youth Governor, Martin Brozman of Bangor, and Maine YMCA Youth Advocate, Ellie MacMillan of Bangor, serving as moderators for our Youth Town Hall."


Today’s conversation continues Senator King’s effort to engage with Maine people from all walks of life and helpful organizations to address questions surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and identify remaining work to be done. Since last month, he has participated in a tele-town hall hosted by the Maine League of Women Voters to discuss the importance of proactively preparing to adjust electoral processes, taken part in a telephone press conference to highlight the unique coronavirus-related strains on the rural healthcare system, participated in a virtual listening session with members of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commercejoined a video conference call with civics and history teachers from schools across Maine, connected with members of the Maine State Chamber of Commercehighlighted resources available for Maine seniors in a call hosted by AARP Maine, and spoke to 500 Maine employees of Sun Life.

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