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February 05, 2015

King Commends UNE Researchers on Effort to Treat Chronic Pain that Plagues Millions of Americans Every Year

Collaborative work in Maine critical to national effort to better understand and treat chronic pain

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In remarks on the Senate floor this afternoon, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) highlighted the work of Dr. Ed Bilsky and his colleagues at the University of New England (UNE) to better understand and treat chronic pain, which is responsible for an estimated $500 billion annually in direct and indirect medical costs. Dr. Bilsky was recently named a member of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (DABI), a group of neuroscientists committed to advancing public education about the progress and benefits of brain research and to providing information on the brain in a way that is understandable and accessible for the general public. UNE’s Center for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function is part of a national network working to help the millions of Americans affected by chronic pain.

“Periodically in my life, I’ve experienced back pain. And when it persists for a period of time, it changes everything. It changes your mood, it changes your attitude, it changes your ability to get anything done, to focus on the work at hand,” said Senator King. “And there are people in this country who are suffering – the estimate is 100 million people suffer chronic pain at some point in their lives. That’s why the work done at the University of New England’s Center for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function, of which Dr. Bilsky is one of the leaders, is so important.”

“The importance of cooperation and collaboration in a project such as this cannot be overstated,” he continued. "Dr. Bilsky and his colleagues have developed in-state and national networks for collaborative research, training, and public advocacy. They’ve partnered with clinicians, other researchers, the private sector, community leaders, and schools throughout Maine and the country to not only further their research and advance the bodies of knowledge relating to chronic pain, but also to maximize the positive impact of that research by applying it in their communities. This improves the lives of our citizens by helping them understand the causes and potential treatments for their pain.

You can watch Senator King’s remarks HERE. An unofficial transcript of his remarks is below:


“Mr. President, it comes as no surprise that our debates here in the Senate focus generally on challenges – such as the one that I just outlined – which face the United States. After all, that’s our task and it’s our fundamental responsibility to identify our nation’s problems and work together to find solutions.

But too often – and I’m sure everyone in this body realizes – the bad news gets more attention than the good. The old saying is, “bad news gets halfway around the world before good news gets its shoes tied.” The problems we face should not, I believe, drown out the accomplishments of our citizens as we go about our work every day here in the Unites States. And I think we should also take time every now and then to reflect on the great things that are happening all over America, and in my case, in Maine – stories of perseverance, innovation, individual accomplishment, and community effort.

And so, Mr. President, it is in that spirit that I rise today with good news from my home state of Maine. I’d like to spend a few minutes talking about Dr. Ed Bilsky and the impressive work that he and a dedicated team of scientists, physicians, and students have been doing at one of my favorite schools, the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine to better understand and treat chronic pain.

Dr. Bilsky was recently named a member of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, a group of neuroscientists that work together to advance public education about the progress and benefits of brain research – and to provide information on the brain in a way that is understandable and accessible for those of us who don’t have a PhD in neuroscience. His inclusion in this group is recognition of his terrific work to advance our understanding of chronic pain – and is also a reflection of the prominent role that he and his colleagues are playing in a critical national effort to address this problem.

Chronic pain – and that means pain that persists for days, weeks, and months at a time – can be absolutely debilitating for people in Maine and around the country, and is responsible for more than $500 billion a year – half a trillion dollars a year – in direct and indirect medical costs.

Mr. President, periodically in my life, I’ve experienced back pain. And when it persists for a period of time, it changes everything. It changes your mood, it changes your attitude, it changes your ability to get anything done, to focus on the work at hand. And there are people in this country who are suffering – the estimate is 100 million people suffer chronic pain at some point in their lives. That’s why the work done at the University of New England’s Center for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function, of which Dr. Bilsky is one of the leaders, is so important.

This center is built around a core group of scientists, educators, and healthcare professionals whose research at UNE is focused on understanding the neurobiology of pain. How does it happen? How is it caused? What can we do about it? Faculty and students work together to study the causes of chronic pain, and apply this knowledge to preventing and better treating this very challenging and very prevalent condition. Projects include working to develop new kinds of non-opioid painkillers – and that’s a big deal, Mr. President, because of all the side-affects and the dangers of opioid painkillers, which we are experiencing in our society. To develop new, non-opioid painkillers would be a tremendous boon to this country – those which don’t have the side effect of opioids. And also, studying the genes and proteins that can turn acute pain into chronic pain – trying to find out the genetic and chromosomal basis of this terrible problem.

Like any success story, certain key events, people and investments have made this research community what it is today. The recruitment of key faculty scientists, like Dr. Bilsky and his co-Director Dr. Ian Meng in the early 2000s, were pivotal to this effort. The addition of complementary research-driven faculty and administrators, as well as the launch at the University of the Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences, continued to move this project forward.

And I should mention here, Mr. President, the leadership of Danielle Ripich, the President of the University of New England, who is a true visionary and a great leader in the advancement of science and medicine, and also the mission of this great university.

The NIH took notice, awarding the University a 5-year, $10 million grant in 2012 to create the Center for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function focusing on the neurobiology of pain. As is often the case, that federal investment – in research, which I believe is one of the most important and valuable investments that the federal government can make – that investment has been critical to the growth of these research opportunities and projects, and has helped to attract further federal and private investment.

The importance of cooperation and collaboration in a project such as this cannot be overstated. Dr. Bilsky and his colleagues have developed in-state and national networks for collaborative research, training, and public advocacy. They’ve partnered with clinicians, other researchers, the private sector, community leaders and schools throughout Maine and the country to not only further their research and advance the bodies of knowledge relating to chronic pain, but also to maximize the positive impact of that research by applying it in their communities. This improves the lives of our citizens by helping them understand the causes and potential treatments for their pain.

Any university’s primary mission is to educate, and Dr. Bilsky and his colleagues have taken their important work into the surrounding community. They have developed a vibrant and award-winning K-12 outreach program led by Dr. Mike Burman that focuses on brain safety and brain awareness. This innovative approach to STEM education has been recognized by the White House Office of Science, Technology and Policy. This program engages more than 3,000 local kids each year and inspires kids to enter STEM related careers, which is one of the most important things we can encourage here in this country.

This research has also helped spur economic development in Maine. Faculty members work in partnership with local biotech and pharmaceutical companies, helping the private sector with local research and development that they may otherwise be unable to afford. This cooperation has helped Maine companies grow and create jobs. It’s a win-win for everyone involved. It’s built the reputation of the University of New England, and it draws positive attention to the state of Maine – and most importantly, it helps change lives.

If you can’t tell, Mr. President, I’m very proud of this work done in my state. As we go about our work here is this body, it’s important, I believe, every now and then to recognize the success stories at home. We might even learn a thing or two from them.

And with that positive thought, Mr. President, I yield the floor.”


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