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May 06, 2020

King, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Significantly Expand National Service Programs to Respond to Coronavirus

Bill would multiply the number of Americans who can serve each year through AmeriCorps, increase compensation to make it possible for all to serve

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) joined 15 of his Senate colleagues to introduce legislation that would dramatically increase America’s national response to and recovery from the coronavirus pandemic through expanded public service programs. The Pandemic Response and Opportunity Through National Service Act would fund 750,000 national service positions over a three-year response and recovery period, in part to meet the projected need for as many as 300,000 public health workers. Under the bill, the number of AmeriCorps and national service positions could expand from 75,000 to 150,000 the first year and double to 300,000 in years two and three. The bill would also expand partnerships between AmeriCorps and federal health agencies and increase the AmeriCorps living allowance to ensure all Americans can step up to serve regardless of their financial circumstances. Senator King and his colleagues are actively working to include this bill in the next coronavirus relief package set to be considered by the Senate.


“The coronavirus pandemic has upended nearly every aspect of our society – but America has faced challenges before and come through the other side. That is why now more than ever, we need to empower Americans to serve their communities and their country,” said Senator King. “This proposal almost makes too much sense; by expanding national service and tapping into Americans’ instinct to pitch in, we can build a large-scale infrastructure to fight the spread of the coronavirus, and support American families impacted by the economic downturn in the process. In essence, this is a bet on the American people’s ability to respond to a crisis with dedication, compassion, and ingenuity – and there’s no group I have more faith in.”


In addition to Senator King, the Pandemic Response and Opportunity Through National Service Act is supported by more than 100 national service and public health organizations.


Specifically, the Pandemic Response and Opportunity Through National Service Act would: 

·       Fund 750,000 national service positions over a three-year response and recovery period, in part to meet the projected need for as many as 300,000 public health workers.

·       Create a partnership between AmeriCorps and CDC inspired by FEMA Corps to provide for additional response surge capacity that could be deployed to specific areas as needed.

·       Provide flexibilities for programs quickly to grow and respond to dynamic local recovery needs.

·       Prioritize funding for activities directly related to our response and recovery, such as: public health services, workforce and reemployment services, education support (including for adult learners), and services that combat nutrition insecurity.

·       Ensure that individuals’ financial resources do not limit participation by increasing the AmeriCorps living allowance to 175 percent of the federal poverty line and tying the value of the Segal Education Award to the cost of two years of public university tuition, harmonizing the treatment of both with other programs by making them nontaxable.

·       Fund new online tools for Senior Corps to safely move to a teleservice model.

·       Extend priority enrollment to Peace Corps, U.S. Fulbright, and AmeriCorps participants whose service or grants was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and encourage participation by members of low-income and minority communities, those who have had contact with the juvenile justice system, and those of diverse abilities.

·       Invite participation by a diverse range of Americans by launching an awareness and outreach campaign on response service opportunities and supporting the Volunteer Generation Fund.


For additional information about the bill, please click here.

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