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June 13, 2019

King, Colleagues Introduce Legislation Aimed At Reducing Nation’s Carbon Footprint Through Renewable Marine Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), a member of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, joined three of his Senate colleagues to reintroduce legislation to increase domestic production of low-carbon, renewable energy from the natural power in ocean waves, tides and currents. The Marine Energy Research and Development Act reauthorizes marine renewable energy programs at the Department of Energy (DOE). Those programs include the national marine renewable energy research, development and demonstration centers found around the country.

“Maine’s coastline helps power our economy and our communities – why shouldn’t it also help power our electric grid?” said Senator King. “Maine has abundant marine resources that can be used to create clean, renewable energy and reduce our reliance on dirty fuels that harm our environment. This legislation takes an important step forward to develop the energies of the future, which will reduce both emissions and costs to consumers.”

The Marine Energy Research and Development Act also directs the Department of Energy to research ways to build a stable marine energy supply chain in the United States, as well as ways to harmonize marine energy development with ocean navigation, fisheries and critical infrastructure such as undersea cables.

A forceful advocate for clean energy solutions, Senator King is the lead sponsor on clean and efficient energy bills such as the Next Generation Grid Resources and Infrastructure Development (GRID) Act to encourage energy independence, foster innovation, and leverage federal resources to support a more resilient and modern electric grid. Earlier this week, Senator King cosponsored legislation to urge the administration to meet climate standards set by the Paris Climate Accord.

Last month in an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing, Senator King highlighted the grave dangers posed by rapidly rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere, and emphasized the importance of global collaboration in order to fully and effectively respond to the threats of climate change. In April, he published a column on Earth Day laying out the ambitious and attainable steps America must take to respond to the challenges of climate change. In February, Senator King questioned experts on opportunities to address the threat of climate change through clean energy alternatives and technology innovations.

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